TIC la limba franceza - curs on-line

Unelte si resurse INTEL TEACH

Introducere in curs
Studiu individual 1
Unelte si resurse INTEL TEACH
Modele de activitati didactice
Curricula cursului
Modul 1 - Schimbarile aduse de TIC in predare
Modul 2 - Model de curricula interdisciplinara europeana
Modul 3 - Abilitati de baza necesare elevilor pentru a lucra cu TIC
Modul 4 - Pedagogia
Modul 5 - Stilurile de invatare
Modul 6 - Teoria inteligentelor multiple si TIC
Modul 6 - Strategii de predare
Modul 7 - Proiectul didactic
Modul 9 - Competente tehnice si tehnologice V
Modul 10 - Evaluarea
Studiu individual 2
Studiu individual 3
Studiu individual 4
Studiu individual 5
Studiu individual 6
Studiu individual 7
Resurse didactice - Chanson de Roland

Tools and Resources


Free tools and resources for educators support collaborative student-centered learning. Online thinking tools are active learning places where students engage in robust discussions, pursue investigations, analyze complex information, and solve problems. Resources for 21st century teaching help teachers play a critical role in facilitating learning activities and posing questions that take student thinking deeper.
Thinking tools
Identify and refine criteria for assigning ranking to a list; and then debate differences, reach consensus, and organize ideas.
Investigate relationships in complex systems, creating maps that communicate understanding.

Construct well-reasoned arguments that are supported by evidence, using a visual framework.
Resources for 21st century teaching
Develop strategies for student-centered assessment and create your own from an Assessment library.

Gather ideas from a collection of exemplary Unit Plans and design your own technology-rich teaching plan.

Find inspiration in more than 350 real-life stories from classrooms around the world. In their own words, teachers share their experiences and best practices in using technology enriched projects in their classrooms.

See how an interdisciplinary project uses roller coaster design to engage students in math, science, and language arts.
Resources for 21st century learning
Interest youth in design and engineering with this free curriculum; it provides a hands-on, inquiry-based experience with identifying and designing creative solutions to everyday problems.

Take an interactive journey to learn about what is inside your computer.

Resources for your students to learn about the science and process behind the microchips we use every day.

skoool* ›
Media-rich resources free to students and teachers in Ireland, the UK, Sweden, Thailand, and Turkey, emphasizing math and science.

Copyright 2007, Catalina Nicolin