TIC la limba franceza - curs on-line


Introducere in curs
Studiu individual 1
Unelte si resurse INTEL TEACH
Modele de activitati didactice
Curricula cursului
Modul 1 - Schimbarile aduse de TIC in predare
Modul 2 - Model de curricula interdisciplinara europeana
Modul 3 - Abilitati de baza necesare elevilor pentru a lucra cu TIC
Modul 4 - Pedagogia
Modul 5 - Stilurile de invatare
Modul 6 - Teoria inteligentelor multiple si TIC
Modul 6 - Strategii de predare
Modul 7 - Proiectul didactic
Modul 9 - Competente tehnice si tehnologice V
Modul 10 - Evaluarea
Studiu individual 2
Studiu individual 3
Studiu individual 4
Studiu individual 5
Studiu individual 6
Studiu individual 7
Resurse didactice - Chanson de Roland

IntelŪ Education Initiative


Education is critical to each citizen's ability to thrive in the knowledge economy. Today's students must develop key 21st century skills such as familiarity with information and communication technology (ICT), problem solving, critical thinking and collaboration. They must also excel in mathematics, science and engineering—the building blocks of technical innovation. Intel currently invests over $100 million per year in over 50 countries to promote education efforts in these areas.
Integration of ICT in the classroom
to promote 21st century skills
K-12 education ›
Innovative ways to use technology and promote critical 21st century skills - in the classroom or in the community.
Professional development ›
Research-based professional development for teachers and leaders focused on integrating technology into student-centered curriculum.
Advancement of math, science
and engineering education and research
Science and math ›
Pre-college science competitions, math and science professional development training programs, and media-rich content.
Higher education ›
Bringing technology expertise to university campuses, providing student opportunities, and encouraging entrepreneurship.

K-12 continuturi si resurse

Whether you're a classroom teacher, school leader, after-school coordinator, or college of education faculty member,(daca esti profesor de scoala, manager scolar, pedagog in programul afterschool sau membru al vreunei facultati )

find new ways to use technology and address critical 21st century skills. (gaseste noi moduri de a folosi tehnologia si a dezvolta abilitatile necesare secolului 21)

Tools and resources (Unelte si resurse)
mareste capacitatea de invatare a elevilor cu instrumente interactive on-line care promoveaza gandirea avansata in orice domeniu
Professional development (dezvoltare profesionala)
afla mai mult despre cum sa realizezi proiecte efective, cum sa evaluezi gandiri avansate si despre IntelŪ Teach Program.
Science and math ›
Encourage enthusiasm for math, science, and engineering.
Community education ›
See how Intel's after-school and community-based programs promote technology literacy and 21st century skills.


each citizen's ability = abilitatea fiecarui cetatean

to thrive in the knowledge economy = a stapani economia cunoasterii

students must develop key 21st century skills = elevii trebuie sa isi dezvolte abilitatile cheie necesare secolului 21

familiarity with information and communication technology (ICT), problem solving, critical thinking and collaboration = familiaritate in utilizarea TIC, rezolvarea de probleme, gandire critica si colaborare

Integration of ICT in the classroom = integrarea TIC la clasa

K-12 education = clasele I - XII

Professional development = formarea profesionala continua

Copyright 2007, Catalina Nicolin