TIC la limba franceza - curs on-line

Modele de activitati didactice

Introducere in curs
Studiu individual 1
Unelte si resurse INTEL TEACH
Modele de activitati didactice
Curricula cursului
Modul 1 - Schimbarile aduse de TIC in predare
Modul 2 - Model de curricula interdisciplinara europeana
Modul 3 - Abilitati de baza necesare elevilor pentru a lucra cu TIC
Modul 4 - Pedagogia
Modul 5 - Stilurile de invatare
Modul 6 - Teoria inteligentelor multiple si TIC
Modul 6 - Strategii de predare
Modul 7 - Proiectul didactic
Modul 9 - Competente tehnice si tehnologice V
Modul 10 - Evaluarea
Studiu individual 2
Studiu individual 3
Studiu individual 4
Studiu individual 5
Studiu individual 6
Studiu individual 7
Resurse didactice - Chanson de Roland

Planuri de lectie pe teme conexe cu Roland

Grow a bussiness - Planuind o afacere

Educatie economica - A investi 6-a

Educatie europeana - Monedele euro 6-a


Mystery Elements - Elemente de mister, paranormal
Elemente de literatura franceza - Tema premonitiei (Visele in Cantecul lui Roland )

Community Decisions - Acceptarea diferentelor

Multiculturalism - Poporul basc 5,6,7,8


Charlotte's Web: To the Rescue - Literatura
Literatura franceza - Personaje, Momentele subiectului 5-a, 6-a

Standarde de invatare

Grow a Business
Content Standards and Objectives

Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks
National Council for Economics Education: Grade 4
Standard 1: Scarcity
People who make goods and provide services are called producers. People whose wants are satisfied by using goods and services are called consumers.

Entrepreneurs are people who organize other productive resources to make goods and services.

Standard 7: Markets – Price and Quantity Determination
Markets exist when buyers and sellers interact. This interaction determines market prices and thereby allocates scarce goods and services.

  • A price is what people pay when they buy a good or service, and what they receive when they sell a good or service.
  • A market exists whenever buyers and sellers exchange goods and services.

Standard 14: Profit and the Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs are people who take the risks of organizing productive resources to make goods and services. Profit is an important incentive that leads entrepreneurs to accept the risks of business failure.

  • Entrepreneurs are individuals who are willing to take risks, to develop new products, and start new businesses. They recognize opportunities, like working for themselves, and accept challenges.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Grades 3-5
Data Analysis and Probability
Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer
  • design investigations to address a question and consider how data-collection methods affect the nature of the data set;
  • collect data using observations, surveys, and experiments;
  • represent data using tables and graphs such as line plots, bar graphs, and line graphs;
  • propose and justify conclusions and predictions that are based on data and design studies to further investigate the conclusions or predictions.
Communication Strategies
Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.

Evaluating Data
Students conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions, and by posing problems. They gather, evaluate, and synthesize data from a variety of sources (e.g., print and non-print texts, artifacts, people) to communicate their discoveries in ways that suit their purpose and audience.

Student Objectives
Students will:
  • Gather data by conducting a school wide survey to determine product popularity and sales potential
  • Summarize findings, draw conclusions, and rank items based on survey and research data
  • Present findings in a proposal letter to the school parent group
  • Use the Visual Ranking Tool to determine which flower students will sell

Mystery Elements
Content Standards and Objectives
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks
Arizona State Standards
Writing Grade 6
Strand 1: Writing Process
  • Concept 1: Prewriting: Prewriting includes using strategies to generate, plan, and organize ideas for specific purposes.
    • PO 1. Generate ideas through a variety of activities.
    • PO 5. Use organizational strategies (e.g., outline, chart, table, graph, Venn Diagram, web, story map, plot pyramid) to plan writing.
  • Concept 5: Publishing: Publishing includes formatting and presenting a final product for the intended audience.
Strand 2: Writing Components
  • Concept 1: Ideas and Content: Writing is clear and focused, holding the reader’s attention throughout. Main ideas stand out and are developed by strong support and rich details. Purpose is accomplished.
  • Concept 2: Organization: Organization addresses the structure of the writing and integrates the central meaning and patterns that hold the piece together.
  • Concept 3: Voice: Voice will vary according to the type of writing, but should be appropriately formal or casual, distant or personal, depending on the audience and purpose.
  • Concept 4: Word Choice: Word choice reflects the writer’s use of specific words and phrases to convey the intended message and employs a variety of words that are functional and appropriate to the audience and purpose.
  • Concept 5: Sentence Fluency: Fluency addresses the rhythm and flow of language. Sentences are strong and varied in structure and length.
  • Concept 6: Conventions: Conventions addresses the mechanics of writing, including capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar and usage, and paragraph breaks.
Student Objectives
Students will be able to:
  • Evaluate and analyze parts of literature as they relate to writing.
  • Compose a mystery short story.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the writing process.
  • Demonstrate competency of the writing components.

Community Decisions
Content Standards and Objectives

Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks
Social Sciences (Oregon Benchmark 3, Grade 6-8:)
Civics and Government

Students will:
  • Understand how citizens can learn about public issues
  • Identify and give examples of how individuals can influence the actions of government

Students will:

  • Examine an event, issue, or problem through inquiry and research
  • Design and implement strategies to analyze issues, explain perspectives, and resolve issues using the social sciences
  • Gather, interpret, use, and document information from multiple sources, distinguishing facts from opinions and recognizing points of view 
  • Consider two or more outcomes, responses, or solutions; identify their strengths and weaknesses; then conclude and justify which is the best

Student Objectives
Students will be able to:

  • Conduct a community needs assessment
  • Analyze the results of a community needs assessment
  • Assume the perspective of a constituent group
  • Apply problem-solving skills to propose suggestions for a vacant building
  • Draw comparisons between different constituent groups using the Visual Ranking Tool
  • Propose and defend a solution for the vacant building

Copyright 2007, Catalina Nicolin